Seeking the heart of music through the art of singing
Labyrinth Choir Labyrinth Choir, a professional mixed vocal ensemble consisting of twenty singers, a professional conductor and pianist, presents theme-based concerts open to the public. Prior concert themes celebrated freedom, humor, animals, love and joy while incorporating Classical, Broadway, jazz, spirituals, popular, and contemporary music. A significant mission and an important aspect of each concert is to encourage the audience to sing or recite poetry. We believe that concerts can be an active, not just a purely passive experience. Our vision is to collaborate with artists and other ensembles in order to foster a cooperative interdisciplinary artistic community that encourages joy, love and understanding in all art forms. Our 2019 season ended with a sold-out performance for the Boston Celebrity Series on December 8 at Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory. Labyrinth Choir joined Rob Kapilow in one of his signature What Makes It Great performances called “Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas.”
During 2021 we recorded songs presenting original compositions, spirituals and contemporary Classical music for our third and newest CD.
Labyrinth Choir is a choral organization that presents theme-based concerts open to the public and supports professional musicians by compensating them for rehearsals and concerts. Our themes have encompassed freedom, love, joy, remembrances, celestial spaces, and how vision and faith intersect. A significant mission, and an important part of each concert, is to encourage the audience to sing with us. A few times in every concert Labyrinth Choir invites the audience to sing, move or recite poetry, so that the concert is an active and fun participatory experience. We encourage everyone to raise their voices in song! Our vision is to collaborate with artists and other ensembles in order to build a cooperative interdisciplinary artistic community and to provide opportunities for artists to share their work within the context of Labyrinth concerts. Our long-term musical vision embraces outreach to young singers and conductors by organizing workshops and performances with music students from local schools. Labyrinth Choir hopes to encourage and inspire many future professional musicians!